
In a Nutshell: German Child benefit while working in Germany but living with family abroad (EU)
In Germany, crew members with full tax liability have the option of applying for child benefits if the other requirements of the law re child benefits are met (entitled children etc). Under certain circumstances, this also applies to foreign ship crews (limited tax payers in Germany) with an employer in Germany.
Update zu Zur Besteuerung von Seeleuten [...]
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Can anticipated income-related tax expenses of a student who is not subject to tax in Germany be claimed for a later employed activity carried out in Germany?
The English translation of my article. Germany is trying to attract qualified foreign workers. But if such qualified employees then actually move to Germany and if they have previously completed a second study abroad, the question regularly arises as to whether these costs can still be claimed in Germany as (anticipated) income-related tax expenses?
Article - Anticipated income related exp[...]
PDF-Dokument [217.6 KB]
Flight and Ship Crews in International Transport
Some basic tax topics for consideration and discussion when you are employed on board of ships and planes.
Flight and Ship Crews in international t[...]
PDF-Dokument [761.5 KB]
New Taxation Rules for Flight and Ship Crews in Germany?
New Taxation Rules for Flight and Ship Crews in Germany? Or a Long Way to Status Quo.
Abstract in English of my Article published in the magazine “Deutsches Steuerrecht”
Abstract Artikel DStR.pdf
PDF-Dokument [172.8 KB]



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